Monday, January 4, 2010

If that's not enough...

Question: Is it okay to blog twice in one day? Should I already know the answer to that? Oh well, it is happening, and you're gonna like it.

When I first opened this up to write a new post, I had all these great ideas about what to write about. Now, nothing. And yet, I'm going to blog anyway.

I love punctuation. I just do. I love when I can't sleep and I lay there and write in my head. Punctuation and all. My creative writing teacher last semester wanted me to bring her a full manuscript by this fall. Failure. Not because I didn't want to, but because I just didn't. I wasn't too busy (okay, I was a little busy), I just never sit down and write anymore. I just write in my head, and count that as good enooouuggh. That kinda makes me think that I'm not much of a writer, after all. Guess what, though. I really DO want to write a book. Sometimes I have these ideas floating around and if I would just settle down and let myself....I feel like it just might happen. Don't hold your breath; this book probably won't happen soon. After all, there are about one billion other things I want to do. And I'm going to. Look out, world!

I love books about the "wild west." Seriously, I I can't get enough of them!!! I hate to even admit this, but they don't even have to be that well written. They can't be aweful; I wouldn't go that far. But...they can be stereotypical, even. They can be romantic. They can be predictable. And I don't like modern-day cowboys. So....why do I love these books? Maybe it's because my grandpa was a bonafide cowboy. Whatever. I LOVE THESE BOOKS. Totally delightful.

Just for the record, there ARE books that I don't like. Anything by James Joyce, for instance, and I also hate "The Awakening" (which, I must admit, I have never finished). Mostly I think my reasons are pretty clear here, but basically it boils down to the fact that I hate selfishness. Selfish characters and I realize selfishness is part of humanity. I know this. But I don't want to sit there and read about it. I hate selfishness in myself; I think I am an extremely selfish person by nature. And every day I look at Jesus and attempt to, as usual, deny myself. Deny myself selfishness. I don't tolerate it in myself. And I don't tolerate it in others. Especially fictional characters. All I have to do is shut the book. Truth be told, selfish characters make me want to punch them out. Seriously. I get so pissed. It...nevermind. I'm just going to stop talking about it; it's making my stomach feel gross.

Speaking of tolerance, there is a book called "Be Intolerant, Because Some Things Are Just Stupid." I don't remember who wrote it, and I didn't even really like it that much. It talked a lot about moral relativism, which I was interested in. But I still kind of liked it, or at least the idea of it. There is right, there is wrong, and there is truth. Period. But the world has really taken tolerance and scewed it. If tolerance means allowing other people to say, do, and believe what they want, then I am FOR tolerance. Because I'm not you. I'm not going to make your choices for you. I'm going to try to love you no matter what. Just love you, wherever you're at. But if I am asked if something is "right" or "wrong," I'm going to be truthful. There is truth, and more than anything, I want to be all about truth. It's a hard situation. Because I know I am no better than anyone else. I wish there was a quick, easy way to say "I believe this is sin, absolutely, and God will judge you, just as He'll just me...but I won't let that change the way I treat you or the way I see you." I feel like this is something we all fail at so miserably. I know I do. God help us. Because I don't want to be a judgemental hypocrite. I don't! I want to be like Christ. And I fail. Jesus was the perfect (and I mean perfect) example of love without judgement, but he was more than that. He stood for truth. He demanded truth from those around him. And that meant calling sin just that: sin. I know this is what many Christians are trying to do--love people without judgement. And we still need to stand for truth. Am I making any sense here? Is this all just me? I just want to learn how to do this, whatever it may look like, I need to do this. God help us.

I hate to be a Debby Downer, but I love a good kick in the pants, and when I feel that kick...well, why not share it? I'm off to eat lunch, then hit up the gym! I have a feeling I'm going to like this blogging....

Chao, Chao! Egziabyer Yemesgen!

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