Monday, January 4, 2010

Scooters, Vacation, and Welcome to Blogging


I have always been secretly jealous of people that blog, and even more jealous of people that blog well. Why? Because it is awesome! How have I not done this sooner? I really have no idea. Let me see...I love writing, trying to be funny, talking about myself...Yep, this is perfect for me. Hmm...

So. This being my first blog and all, I guess I need to talk about something important. Guess what that is? Books. So I have basically read one book every day since Christmas. But now I'm out of new books. My solution? Re-read the books I just read. Yep. I'm going to start as soon as I'm done here. Oh, the beauty of month-long vacation.

I just looked down the page and saw some example of "labels for this post: e.g. scooters, vacation, fall." That really worked out for me, because Andy and I happened to get a scooter/moped thing for Christmas. We only have one car, and him working full-time and me going to school full-time is hard to manage with only one car. We got creative, though. Despite the cold weather, sometimes Andy would drop me off with my bike. I was usually okay with this solution-we really don't live THAT far away from the school. Or if he had to be at work at seven, but I didn't have school until 9ish, but Andy needs the car...then I get dropped off at the gym at 6:30. I don't do the gym at 6:30 am. It just doesn't work for me. I'm a puker, ladies and gentlemen. I puke all the time. Just being up that early makes me ultra close to puking. There is something so unholy about being up that early. I know this isn't true for everyone; for me, it is.

Andy has an amazing job. Did you know that? He really does. He works for a company called A.W.A.R.E. is a HUGE corporation. Tons of employees, tons of different settings...Andy works in a small setting. Him and his coworkers work with three autistic boys. Basically he is a special education teacher that works one-on-one, in a nonschool setting. These boys are all low-functioning. So it's a challenge. Some days he has to change diapers, some days he gets attacked with a hoola-hoop (true story), but it is a GREAT, rewarding job.

Anyways, I think I'm done here. I promise my other blogs will be more interesting (I promise to attempt to make them more interesting). Or at least topical. Oh, happy New Year? I don't even really know what people mean by that...? People love new beginnings; I guess that's mainly the charm behind January 1st. I love new beginnings, too. That's why I'm interested in Jesus.

Until later....


  1. So getting up early in the morning makes you... squeamish?

  2. How dare you say that word....How dare you.

    But yes.
